Filmography presents: Madonna as Rebecca Carlson in Body Of Evidence (rare articles, memorabilia, videos and more!)

Let’s go back to 1992/1993 where the whole world was obsessed with Madonna, and not necessarily in the most positive way. Madonna had just released her new studio album titled ‘Erotica’ with sensual music video and lead single. There was the extremely naughty (but beatifully boundbreaking) photobook SEX and then there was….Body Of Evidence. An…

Filmography presents: Madonna in Bloodhounds Of Broadway (1989) – press articles, memorabilia, videos & more

As our Bloodhounds Of Broadway collection isn’t as extensive as for example Desperately Seeking Susan, Shanghai Surprise and Who’s That Girl, ‘Bloodhounds’ is online sooner than we anticipated. Madonna starred as Hortense Hathaway in Bloodhounds Of Broadway, a film that isn’t as popular or well known as Madonna’s previous efforts. We have gathered the following:…

Filmography presents: Madonna and Sean Penn in Shanghai Surprise (1986) – press, memorabilia, trailer, order links

Shanghai Surprise has been completed and has been added to our Filmography, on which we are working on in chronological order. Going back to 1986 where the newly wedded couple Madonna and Sean Penn took on their first (and only) movie together, expectations were high after the popular and well received Desperately Seeking Susan but…

NEW: Desperately Seeking Susan added to the Filmography! Press, memorabilia, rare videos and much more!

One of Madonna’s most beloved films Desperately Seeking Susan has been added to our Filmography. This includes many rare items from our private collection such as the insanely rare German lifesize display (as featured in Encyclopedia Madonnica 20 by Matthew Rettenmund). What you can find: many rare press articles from Japan, Holland to the USA…

Madonna’s Filmography back online! Read all about: The Egg, A Certain Sacrifice and FAME now

As we are still in the process of the transfer of all of our old features to the current website (and improving them) we can finally launch the following: The Filmography is back online (see menu)! However, since Madonna’s filmography is such an extensive feature on our website we will take things differently this time.…