Mykki Blanco on LGBTQ Visbility and How the Music Industry Is Changing: My Career ‘Could Not Have Happened Any Sooner’

This makes me think of what you say at the end of Madonna’s “Dark Ballet” video: “I’ve walked this earth black, queer and HIV-positive, but no transgression against me has been as powerful as the hope I hold within.” As we talk about homophobia and transphobia in the industry today, are you more optimistic about…

“Dark Ballet” Is Madonna’s Most Experimental Single Yet

From reggaeton bangers to dancehall-infused protest anthems, the singles (or buzz tracks) from Madame X have been nothing if not eclectic. And yet, they still don’t portend the demented grandeur of “Dark Ballet.” Co-produced with Mirwais, the song that was first performed as “Beautiful Game” at the 2018 Met Gala is a sprawling indictment of modern society. “It’s a beautiful plan, but…