In November it’s time again for worlds’ largest record fair, as always we have a discount code for you to purchase your tickets.
Go to and use the code VZ5
November 22 & 23, 2014 the Jaarbeurs Convention centre in Utrecht will host the 42nd edition of the Mega Record & CD Fair. An event that in the past 22 years has enjoyed international acclaim and made its name as the place to be for music fans, crate diggers, deejays and vinyl lovers. Packed with exhibitions, live performances, book signings and over 500 dealers from all over the world the fair offers the greatest choice of vinyl, cd’s and pop memorabilia. Don’t be surprised if you bump into artists searching for their own original productions. Some of the highlights of this edition will be an exhibition of funky vinyl covers and the reunion of the Dutch band Secret Sounds.
Mega Record & CD Fair Autumn 2014 in the Jaarbeurs Utrecht:
Saturday November 22nd from 09.00 until 17.00 hours
Sunday November 23th from 10.00 until 17.00 hours.
Address Jaarbeurs:
Jaarbeursplein 6
3521 AL Utrecht
The Netherlands
Entrance November 2014
Entrance fee by the online pre-sale:
Adults till: € 11,50
Over 65 till: € 9,50
Passe-partout (two-day ticket): € 20,50
Prices valid till November 22, 11.00 pm
Entrance fee at the door:
Adults: € 13,-
Children up to 12 years free
With discount coupon: € 11,-
Over 65: € 11,-
Passe-partout (two-day ticket) € 22,-
Fore more information visit