Synthesis II: Madonna “Adore” and Fusuma Photography opens December 3, 2021

A sequel to Synthesis, Wakasugi’s inaugural exhibition at the gallery in 2016, Synthesis II highlights the artist’s exploration of photography inspired by traditional ink-painting. The show will also feature individual prints and a limited second edition publication of the photo book ADORE from his 1985 photoshoot with Madonna, published by Nick Groarke, NJG Studio Ltd.…

Synthesis II “Adore” Madonna and Fusuma Photography by Kenji Wakasugi (PRESS RELEASE)

New York, NY Ippodo Gallery welcomes you Synthesis II, our second solo exhibition of works by Kenji Wakasugi, on view from December 3rd to January 7th, 2021. A sequel to Synthesis, Wakasugi’s inaugural exhibition at the gallery in 2016, Synthesis II highlights the artist’s exploration of photography inspired by traditional ink-painting. The show will also…

‘Adore’ by Kenji Wakasugi about to drop…..

“It became more than just a promotional shoot, I felt myself being drawn into another world” – Kenji Wakasugi ❤️ – Published for the first time by NJG 200 pages, 111 large format images, 10 contact sheets featuring 324 frames. Two editions available – ‘Limited Edition’ comes with a canary yellow bellyband with Madonna’s name…