REMINDER: Madonna on BuzzFeed today!

Attention BuzzFeed: After traveling around the world and witnessing an overwhelming amount of discrimination, intolerance, and bigotry — I felt I needed to make a statement. I started in September 2013 to give artists everywhere a platform to define what freedom means to them and to allow them to express their right for freedom…

Madonna on BuzzFeed

Don’t forget to join Madonna on BuzzFeed by 7pm EST on April 14th for a special live ‪#‎ArtForFreedom‬ curation! If you have yet to submit your entry, just visit the devoted page now:    

Are You With Me?

Attention BuzzFeed: After traveling around the world and witnessing an overwhelming amount of discrimination, intolerance, and bigotry — I felt I needed to make a statement. I started in September 2013 to give artists everywhere a platform to define what freedom means to them and to allow them to express their right for freedom…