Pam Oei, a prominent Singaporean actress attended Madonna’s concert last night, and she wasn’t quite impressed with the Rebel.
“This was the best part of the Madonna concert tonight. Being with my friends Sean Tobz, Neo Swee Lin, Lim Kay Siu and Dal Vinder. Because Madonna had her ass owned by the MDA(Media Development Authority of Singapore) and the catholic church tonight.
She did not perform Holy Water nor Devil Pray, (as expected). A large part of me was hoping that she would really be true to her concert title and be a rebel and fuck care all the authorities and just perform the “controversial” songs. But she didn’t.
She gave in, she sold out, she censored herself and she asked the audience members “Do you speak English?” way too many times.
I went to the concert because I had a bet with a friend – I said she wouldn’t perform those 2 songs, he said he was a True Blue fan and he knew her inside out and she so would. I’m so sorry in this instance that I won the bet.
The moment she dedicated a song to her kids, 2 of whom who were in the audience, I left.
These 2 kids have seen ALL her concerts. They KNEW their mother sold out. I could not take her hypocrisy, so I left immediately.
One Violet Oon Kitchen lunch on the house for me! BURP.”