This is the infamous Madonna Miss M Advance Promo Cassette from 1994. This early in-house cassette came straight from a former employee at Warner. The cassette is very interesting as it includes a different version of ‘Secret’ unavailable anywhere else.
Besides the order of songs being completely different than on ‘Bedtime Stories’ the version of ‘Secret’ is unique to this advance cassette. This version of ‘Secret’ is basically the Drum Mix but with a running time of 4:48 while the released version of the Drum Mix runs at 5:16. This version has the chorus near the end only once and not twice as heard in the released Drum Mix. The end does not fade out.
We have no information as to why this was changed for “Bedtime Stories” as this version of ‘Secret’ gives it that extra kick.
Check this out and more at our Bedtime Stories page.