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Full Album Scheduled for Release in March

Pre-order the album on iTunes now: http://smarturl.it/RebelHeart

December 20, 2014. For immediate release….New York, NY…..Madonna has just released six songs from her new studio album ‘Rebel Heart’. The six songs are currently available for purchase now via preorder at iTunes and other music outlets with purchase of the album and a la carte as well. The music will also be available on all streaming services. Additional music will be released on Feb. 9th. The full album of “Rebel Heart” on Interscope Records is scheduled to be released the first week in March 2015.

Song titles that are currently available from the new album are Living For Love, Devil Pray, Ghosttown, Unapologetic Bitch, Illuminati and Bitch I’m Madonna which was recorded with Nicki Minaj. Producers include Madonna, Diplo, Kanye West, Billboard, was recorded in NY, LA and London.

The decision to release the songs much earlier than anticipated was due to the leaking of several work-in-progress demos earlier this week.

“I was hoping to release my new single ‘Living For Love’ on Valentine’s Day with the rest of the album coming in the Spring. I would prefer my fans to hear completed versions of some of the songs instead of the incomplete tracks that are circulating. Please consider these six songs as an early Christmas gift,” commented Madonna.



You can sign up later today at 20.00 to attend the official Dutch Rebel Heart release party in FAME Amsterdam on March 5 at 20.30. Here is the link through Eventbrite:


Let everyone know through the event page on Facebook that you will be there: https://www.facebook.com/events/649794605132845/?source=1&sid_create=3378684502

The first 200 entries will receive a free DVD with the purchase of one of the Rebel Heart products! Please don’t forget to tick the box when you sign up! The Free DVD is something you cannot miss out on, this is a goodie that we at MadonnaUnderground are happy to include with your purchase.

There will be a pre-order available for the Rebel Heart Vinyl LP.

Madonna releaseparty ‘Rebel Heart’
Op donderdag 5 maart vindt er weer een releaseparty plaats in FAME Plaza! En wel van ‘Rebel Heart’ van Madonna.
Wat er nu bekend is:
– Vanaf 20:30 uur kun je de cd kopen
– Aanmelden gaat via Event Brite
– Aanschaf van cd + Event Brite ticket = entree
– Party begint om 21:00 uur
– Eerste consumptie gratis
Verdere details en de link naar tickets volgen later.

Madonna Releaseparty ‘Rebel Heart’
Thursday March 5th we are celebrating another releaseparty in FAME Plaza! Rebel Heart by Madonna.
What we know at this point:
-you can purchase the CD from 20.30
-You can register through Event Brite
-Purchasing CD + Event Brite = guarantees entrance
-Party starts at 21.00
-First drink for free
More details and links to follow

Rebel Heart


01. Living For Love
02. Devil Pray
03. Ghosttown
04. Unapologetic Bitch
05. Illuminati
06. Bitch I’m Madonna (with Nicki Minaj)
07. Hold Tight
08. Joan Of Arc
09. Iconic (with Chance the Rapper & Mike Tyson)
10. HeartBreakCity
11. Body Shop
12. Holy Water
13. Inside Out
14. Wash All Over Me
15. Best Night
16. Veni Vidi Vici (with Nas)
17. S.E.X.
18. Messiah
19. Rebel Heart


01. Beautiful Scars
02. Borrowed Time
03. Addicted
04. Graffiti Heart
05. Living For Love (PAULO & Jackinsy Full Vocal Mix)
06. Living For Love (Funk Generation & H3dRush Dub)