Latest Madonna news

The Queen of Pop, In All Her Glory

All photographs courtesy Kenji Wakasugi. To find new words to describe the importance of Madonna Louise Ciccone is a nearly impossible task. That’s why a photo book tells you all you need. The inimitable rebel energy of Madonna is on display in Adore Madonna, a new photo book by the Japanese photographer Kenji Wakasugi (out today  on NJG). The monograph contains…

These provocative portraits capture Madonna on her ascent to superstardom

Taken from Adore Madonna by Kenji Wakasugi (2020), published by NJG StudioPhotography Kenji Wakasugi These provocative portraits capture Madonna on her ascent to superstardom Photographer Kenji Wakasugi shares exclusive images of the young singer from his new book, Adore Madonna   Adore Madonna, Kenji Wakasugi (1985)22 Every significant artist has at least one defining work that consecrates their…

Madonna – Adore

Madonna – Adore 100 Strictly Limited Edition (£250.00) Published January 2021 by NJG. Size 205mm x 330mm Cover Bound in ‘Aqua’ recycled paper made from coffee cup waste, foiled with de-bossed ebony lettering. The accompanying neon pink bellyband is hand sewn and foiled with ebony lettering. Pages 200 Images 324 frames, 10 contact sheets, 111…

‘Adore’ by Kenji Wakasugi about to drop…..

“It became more than just a promotional shoot, I felt myself being drawn into another world” – Kenji Wakasugi ❤️ – Published for the first time by NJG 200 pages, 111 large format images, 10 contact sheets featuring 324 frames. Two editions available – ‘Limited Edition’ comes with a canary yellow bellyband with Madonna’s name…