Latest Madonna news
Celebrity Style Stories ‘Madonna’ – OUTTV
Maatschappelijk programma “In deze serie staan de sterren centraal. En dan vooral de ontwikkeling die ze hebben doorgemaakt, de verschillende stijlen die ze gehad hebben en waar ze soms ook trendsetter mee geweest zijn. Met vandaag Madonna.” Titel:Celebrity Style Stories Zender:OUTTV Datum:26 juli 2014 Uitzendtijd: 20:00-20:25 + 01:30 – 01:55 uur Genre:Informatief
Fil-German trainer shares some of Madonna’s workout moves
At 50-years-old, music phenom Madonna can put people half her age to shame with her built body and incredible stamina. But to get as fit as the pop hit-maker, her fans needn’t throw themselves at expensive gym memberships or gimmicky outlets, as GMA’s “24 Oras” revealed Wednesday. Fil-German Nicole Winhoffer, Madonna’s primary trainer, demonstrated some…
Madonna Ariake Beyond
Madonna Ariake Beyond from REPUBLICA Studio on Vimeo. Director: Steven Klein Editor and Post Production coordinator: Juan Lamarca Production house: Steven Klein Studio Client: Ariake Republica Studio
Madonna Ariake Family
Madonna Ariake Family from REPUBLICA Studio on Vimeo. Director: Steven Klein Editor and Post Production coordinator: Juan Lamarca Production house: Steven Klein Studio Client: Ariake Republica Studio
Extreme Jibs at Madonna Tour
EXTREME JIBS films Madonna Wolrd Tour. Our Techno Cranes and Jimmy Jibs really captured the moment. This MDNA tour’s success makes it the second highest grossing tour of all time by a female artist. Extreme Jibs is very proud to provide our services to such successful production. For more info visit our website, extreme…
Diva Decisions: Madonna Refuses To Participate In Deposition In Hard Candy Lawsuit – READ The Documents!
It looks like beauty company Hard Candy won’t be backing down anytime soon in its lawsuit against Madonna for copyright infringement and unfair competition. Instead, the company his filed court documents that claim the “Material Girl” won’t appear for a deposition unless she is ordered to by the court, can reveal exclusively. Filed on…
Dita Von Teese talks Madonna: “I don’t see anybody in modern pop music that can really do that”
“YANN Calls…” is a new webseries that premiered today. Every week, Brazilian artist Yann video-chats with a different celebrity guest. Aside from talking about their careers, they also discuss social topics that are relevant with the guest’s achievements. The first episode is with the queen of Burlesque herself, Dita Von Teese, where she talks about…
3 new Madonna wax figures at Madame Tussauds Sydney – win tickets!
Madame Tussauds Sydney is partnering with MadonnaUnderground in the following contest. Madame Tussauds Sydney have an exciting launch for three new Madonna figures coming today! They want to offer you 4 x general admission tickets and 4 x wax hands (getting your very own wax-hand made inside the venue). Total prize value for these is $260.…