Latest Madonna news
Madonna to Play ‘Ellen’ for a Full Week
When Madonna‘s not living for love, she’s living for Ellen (appearances). The singer will be Ellen‘s musical guest for a full week, Live Nation announced today. She’ll be on the program Monday March 16 through Friday March 20. (Rebel Heart, her latest, drops March 10 in the United States.) Madonna To Launch ‘Rebel Heart’ World Tour…
Le Pen accepts offer of a drink with Madonna
France’s National Front leader Marine Le Pen has said yes to an offer from US pop icon Madonna to “sit down and have a drink”. The pair famously fell out when one of Madonna’s videos featured an image of Le Pen complete with a swastika on her forehead Madonna has always said you should “Express…
Watch full episode of Le Grand Journal with Madonna
Le Grand Journal du 02/03/15 – Part. 1 avec Madonna Le Grand Journal du 02/03/15 – Part. 2 avec Madonna et Luz Le Grand Journal du 02/03/15 – La Suite : Madonna en live and talk
Madonna out last night in Paris
Madonna parties the night away at the Russian night club Raspoutine with DJ Diplo in the Champs Elysees area in Paris, France on March 2, 2015. (GC Images/Vintage Images UK/Splash News/FameFlynet)
Lack of updates / unexpected encounter
We apologize for the lack of updates yesterday and this morning. Some of us had an unexpected last minute trip to Le Grand Journal in Paris, and an even more unexpected ending to the day: a meet & greet with M and our photo taken with her. Full story and of course the picture coming…
First photo’s meet & greet at Le Grand Journal (The Le Grand Journal team)
The first pictures of the meet & greet at Le Grand Journal yesterday. This is the presentor and the team pictured with M
Madonna on Le Grand Journal
Madonna will be attending Le Grand Journal in just a few moments. Watch the show online here.
Rebel Heart tour dates!
Finally, the Rebel Heart tour dates have been published! All tour dates can be found using this LINK ICON pre-sales start on March 3rd. Get your ICON Live Pass by following this LINK
Madonna & Me. #rebelheart @ Milano. Ora. Applausi.
Madonna & Me. #rebelheart @ Milano. Ora. Applausi. — Luca Dondoni (@lucadondoni) 1 maart 2015