Latest Madonna news

Madonna touches down in NZ

Her Madgesty has touched down in Auckland but where exactly the Queen of Pop is remains something of a mystery. The most likely place the superstar is staying after arriving this morning is the Pullman hotel, where many rich and famous visitors stay. The upmarket hotel is the number one suspect among Madonna’s superfans but…

Pam Oei’s review of Rebel Heart Concert: Madonna sold out, she censored herself

Pam Oei, a prominent Singaporean actress attended Madonna’s concert last night, and she wasn’t quite impressed with the Rebel. “This was the best part of the ‪‎Madonna‬ concert tonight. Being with my friends Sean Tobz, Neo Swee Lin, Lim Kay Siu and Dal Vinder. Because Madonna had her ass owned by the MDA(Media Development Authority of Singapore)…